Nowadays, biking in Paris has never been so trendy. In this article, we will see how to buy a bike in Paris.

🚲 How to Buy Your Bike in Paris

If you think that the Velib’ is too heavy or not fast enough, having your own bike could be a good option. From the bike shop to the second-hand market, let’s see a few options to buy your bike!

πŸ’‘ If you want to buy an electric bike, the Paris Region can help you buy a brand-new one with a subsidy of up to 250€.

Read more β†’

Bike Shops
paris bike rental shop
πŸ›’ Bike shops in Paris

decathlon logo
paris decathlon madeleine
πŸ›’, shops
πŸ€‘ The generalist in sports gear at a good price

leboncoin logo
leboncoin website
πŸ›’ (Bike category)
πŸ₯‡ The no. 1 marketplace in France
⚠️ Some bikes on sale are stolen ones

πŸ…ΏοΈ Where to Park Your Bike

In Paris, you will be able to park your bike on a dedicated bike parking on the streets:

Unfortunately, bikes are stolen frequently in Paris. It is mandatory that you lock your bike, otherwise, be sure to not retrieve your bike when you are back. I will strongly advise you to use a U-lock to lock your bike.

bike u-lock

⚠️ Check that the metal bar in the bike parking is settled into the ground! Sometimes, it is not settled well, so the thefts can lift the bar and steal the locked bike easily.


To know more about biking in Paris, or how to get around Paris with other modes of transportation, you can check these articles:

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