πŸ—Ό Paris πŸš‡ Transportation

πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ Biking in Paris

Nowadays, biking in Paris has never been so trendy. In this article, we will see the different options to bike in Paris, from renting a bike to buying your own one. Let’s go!

πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ Biking in Paris

Biking in Paris has never been so popular, thanks to local politics which created new bike lanes around the city, and introduced the Velib’, the Paris bike-sharing system. Moreover, the emergence of electric bikes opened biking to people who were less used to doing physical exercises.

As Paris is a small city, you can go to every point of Paris in about 30 minutes.

⚠️ Biking in Paris might be dangerous because the people:

  • Run the red light constantly
  • Don’t respect the priority
  • Lack the knowledge of the traffic code
  • Are not paying attention to what’s happening in front of them and behind them

Please watch out πŸ‘€

🚲 How to Rent or Buy a Bike in Paris

If you want to rent or buy a bike in Paris, you can read the following articles:


To know more about how to get around Paris with other modes of transportation, you can check this article:

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